Terp Slurper Full Weld
High Quality!
This product is the terp slurper pure quartz banger. It does not come with the terp slurper marble and pill set. To see our complete set including the terp slurper banger, marble, and pill set click here.
Full weld! This is a high quality terp slurper made from one continuous piece of quartz. Most bangers have a weld point from the ground joint arm to the banger, but the weld of this replacement pure quartz terp slurper is a smooth one piece design.
Terp Slurper quartz banger sets are reaching mass adoption. Smokin Js is offering this high quality replacement terp slurper banger to meet the growing needs of the market. This terp slurper 14mm banger is a male joint, and 90 degrees.