Become a Smokin Js Street Team Member
Featured Image: Speck, Smokin Js Street Team Member
It’s True! Smokin Js is looking for street team members all across the country! It’s free and it’s fun!
The Smokin Js street team has been around since the late 90’s … whoa we’re old! Smokin Js was founded on the belief that paid advertising isn’t as effective as word of mouth from customers. Smokin Js has always rewarded (bribed) customers to tell a friend by giving away free swag and promotional materials. In 2012 we decided to take our local method of advertising to the rest of the country. We created the SmokinJs.com Street Team program. Originally the intent was to create a system of fair trade with college students where they advertised for Smokin Js and received commissions on their successful efforts. What an awesome system right! Smokin Js gets help on the street with guerrilla marketing and college students get some lunch money and free swag!
Now it’s 2015, and we have once again hit the binary digits of internet searching for more street team members. Do you qualify?
We are looking for:
1. You must be at least 18 years of age, seriously!
2. You must be out going and willing to promote for Smokin Js.
3. You must be active in at least one social media site.
There are no hard and fast rules about becoming a street team member. We start out slow, and reward members that are active and interested. One thing is for sure ….. Being a Smokin Js street team member will never cost you a dime! It’s free and fun for everyone of adult age.
Are you interested? Send us an email letting us know who you are and why you want to be a Smokin Js street team member. Be sure to include a link to your favorite social media profile.
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