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Glass Bubblers

A debate for the ages ... bubbler vs bong?! But what is the difference between a bubbler and a bong, and which is the best glass bubbler?

Well my friends, all bubblers are water pipes, but not every water pipe is a bubbler. Typically, a bubbler is a compact version of the traditional bong, with a single stem and finger choke, or carb. The function is similar to a hand pipe with the added benefit of water diffusion, making for a smoother, cooler puffing experience.

If you’re like us here at Smokin Js you know there is nothing quite like the satisfying nature of bubbling water delivering the perfect smoking experience! And that’s precisely why we have a variety for you to choose from. Whether you’re looking for a sherlock bubbler, a sidecar bubbler, or the more traditional hammer bubbler, we’ve got you covered!

Smokin J's thick glass bubblers, lovingly known as “The Chubbler”, are perfect for the clutzy smoker in your life, while the micro glass bubbler is perfect for the adventurer who wants to pocket their piece, and keep going. Both versions are known as pocket bubblers because they contain the smooth filtration of a water pipe, and yet fit in your pocket.

Regardless if it’s the perfect travel piece you seek, or the ever important daily driver - there’s a glass bubbler for you at Smokin Js!

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Glass Bubblers - Smokin Js

Glass Bubblers