Mini Beaker Js Water Pipe
Height: 10" Tall
Connection 14mm
Use the drop down menu to select Blue or Green
One of the most requested water pipes we hear at our retail stores is "a small affordable quality water pipe." We have sold a lot of water pipes in this category for 20+ years, but each model always lacked something within the 3 requested features: Small, Affordable, Quality. Until now!
We decided to make our own version of this hotly requested piece. And with our experience we were able to hit every metric. First, the Smokin Js Mini Beaker Water pipe is the perfect size at 10" tall. Enough space to keep the bowl away from your face, and yet compact enough to fit in most nooks and crannies. Second, by leveraging our extensive experience in the market we are able to offer this Perfect Water Pipe for only $44.99. Third, it's Smokin Js so you know it's a quality water pipe. It's made out of 4mm thick borosilicate tubing. It has a glass on glass ground joint system with a 14mm slide connection and a diffused sleeve. It's topped off by an ice pinch splash guard and a blue color wrap on the gathered and reinforced mouth piece.
It's the Perfect Water Pipe!