Free Stickers
YES!!! Free stickers!
Throughout the years ... cough ... cough ... DECADES, I have received thousands of requests for free swag. Every request is honored, respected, and appreciated.
One of the slogans I came up with a long time ago, "We aren't the coolest, just the best," still rings true to this day. We put a lot of time and effort into creating a retailing environment of SERVICE, QUALITY, and AFFORDABILITY.
So when people want Smokin Js swag I get a little blushed.
Honestly I'm a bit weak in the self-promotion game. There aren't nearly as many Smokin Js swag merch as you would expect. But I'm trying to get better.
This old head can smoke new ideas!
We recently came up with a new sticker to celebrate another year in the headshop life. Why not let people know, and offer it for free?
So other guys might give you a bunch of requirements like social media shout outs, reviews, or "with purchase" ... Not Us! At Smokin Js free means free.
Send us an email: orders@smokinjs.com
Include your full name, address, and an email address. That's it. A fresh sticker or two will be on its way.
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