Read This !!!
Don't give matches to a pyromaniac, and certainly don't give a reader board to a loud mouth. I think we might have slipped one by the universe on this one.

When Smokin Js opened up the Olympia Washington location it was a dream come true. No landlord! A large parking lot! Busy street! And that sweet large reader board out front - loud and proud.
In between sales and seasonal messages, we try hard to spice up the community with fun messages. We often have people come in just because they enjoy the jokes and messages we put on our big sign.
So after all these years, I thought I would search the archives and gather a few of the messages we have posted over time. Pass to the left, sharing is caring.
"Where do rec shops keep their money? A joint account of course!"

Bu-Dum-Bump-Tisss. Don't call me corny! One of the drawbacks we face as an alternative lifestyle retailer is the competition with the Recreational Cannabis Stores in town.
They may have the product most people need, but we have the culture and style most people want.
It's true: "Don't have the grass, but we have the glass."

Many of the Rec Stores in town are very friendly with us. Many realized the glass game is hard work, and they like the easy money. Why try to compete with Smokin Js on accessories when we got 25 years in the game?
Plus, in Washington state they can't sell all the cool cultural items that goes with a smokin lifestyle. Are we a glass shop or a modern hippie clothing boutique? Something for everyone.
"How do fish get high? They smoke that sea weed."

Finding the best cannabis cultural related jokes on the Internet is fun. There are some real shwaggy puns out there. But once in a while I come across some real magic, like this joke below.
My personal favorite:
"Why couldn't the lifeguard save the hippie? He was tooo far out man."

Then there are some that really hit the mark. "How do you know you are a pothead? You study for a pee test."

One thing we pride ourselves on at Smokin Js, is a positive attitude. Sometimes we have people come into the store just to brighten their day. We always have smiles ready for the weary matrix warrior.

Some of the best jokes might be the most obvious ones. "What do you get when you eat cannabis? A pot belly."

But hey! Smokin Js is a business right. We gotta sell our products. In Washington State we have an extra-special sense of humor with the rain:
"It's raining. It's pouring. Your old bong is boring."

If you have read this far, maybe you like the jokes as much as we do. Sometimes the best jokes, can also be super bad. lulz.
"What do you call a pothead with 2 spliffs? Double jointed."

Once in a while something is so clever, we have to post it even if it doesn't reference our green culture. A joke for the stoner at heart perhaps.
"Past, present, and future walk into a bar. It was tense."

But in the end we are all about having fun, and being creative within our community. Do you have a suggestion for our reader board. We would love to hear it. We are at the end of our bag with joke, and could use a fresh supply.

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